“If you’re not willing to receive, then you’re not going to be able to give. The amount that you can give to the world to make it a better place, is directly corrolated to how much gratitude, money & love you’re willing to receive in exchange. People are not going to just take and take and take from you and not want to give you anything. They want to have a fairness. If I want to change the whole world and make it a better place, I’d better be willing to receive a lot of gratitude in whatever way it comes.”

Arnoux Goran grew up in a hell only few may experience. His parents were crack addicts and he too succumbed to severe health challenges and near death experiences in his early twenties. He is a man who has not only overcome his personal challenges, but one who has made it his mission to share what he discovered with others so that they too can change their lives in all areas. He is a man with a vision. 

Hosted by: Certified Life Coach, Joni Caldwell Lerner,  M.Bsc.

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Where to find Arnoux Goran:



7 ourses:Steps to Reprogramming Yourself

More Money

Where to find Joni:


