Joseph P. Anthony: 2019 Astrological Predictions of Events and How Galactic Alignments Influence Everything from You to Institutions, the Environment, Political Futures and So Much More. Find Out What’s in Store and When Best to Go for It …Or Not!

Brilliant Astrologer, Joseph P Anthony, takes us on a wild ride down multiple rabbit holes with his astrological predictions of events and places that will be affected this year. He addresses many important topics including the Nature of Our Reality, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience as well as where our political, financial and environmental futures are headed. He also talks about where we come from, our purpose here, how we live in harmony, and how we are evolving as beings. 

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Josie Keys: Tantric Belly Dance, the Divine Feminine, How to Connect our Body and Soul, Healing Body Shame, Redefining Beauty, A Meditation for You, Kundalini

Josie Keys is a woman of depth and beauty. She is a teacher of Tantric Belly Dance and is at the leading edge of the rising wave of feminine power. She helps us shift from our heads & misguided negative beliefs about our bodies & intimacy to connecting with our hearts & the body's chi or life energy. She is candid and charming as we navigate tantric dance, kundalini and our birth right of being whole and connected.

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Relationship Success Strategies – Happy Valentine’s Day: Find Someone with Whom You Can Be Your Whole Self, Don’t Settle, Know your Love Language, Connect and Really Be Present in Relationship, Intimacy is Key, Learn to Give & Receive

This episode is a celebration of relationships. We get curious about and explore the pitfalls and solutions, the joys and the bumps of being in a successful relationship. What life is like when both people are fully present and in awe of finding that one person.

Continue ReadingRelationship Success Strategies – Happy Valentine’s Day: Find Someone with Whom You Can Be Your Whole Self, Don’t Settle, Know your Love Language, Connect and Really Be Present in Relationship, Intimacy is Key, Learn to Give & Receive

Ciamara Morales: Singing with an Authentic Voice, Transcend Adversity, Live with Gratitude, Let Go of Control, Moving on from an Abusive Relationship, Joyful Karaoke, Perseverance.

Ciamara is a talented, heart centered human who shares her story and her philosophy on living a positive, grateful life and overcoming adversity. She shares her journey and talks about her life, career and family. From a complicated childhood, to an abusive marriage to success and a happily ever after.

Continue ReadingCiamara Morales: Singing with an Authentic Voice, Transcend Adversity, Live with Gratitude, Let Go of Control, Moving on from an Abusive Relationship, Joyful Karaoke, Perseverance.

Spirit Mama Solo: Dealing with Devastation, Finding Self and Happiness, Travel Reintegration, Surviving Toxic People

Take a journey with Joni as she answers your questions about life, travel, toxic people, consequences, solutions and inspirations to find your Spiritual Aliveness. 

Continue ReadingSpirit Mama Solo: Dealing with Devastation, Finding Self and Happiness, Travel Reintegration, Surviving Toxic People