Empowerment Summary

The thought revolution begins with you when you realize that the weight you carry and the habits that got you there no longer serve you.

The above describes issues and solutions for you, who have decided that staying the same is more painful than being willing to change. The thought revolution begins with you when you realize that the weight you carry and the habits that got you there no longer serve you. This is only the beginning for you. A true leap into health and wellness and joy by choosing what to KEEP, CREATE and DELETE from your life. 

There are many more “solutions” available to dovetail with this program such as food portion companies, mobile healthy cooks, Overeaters Anonymous, etc. It is up to you to find what works for you. This workshop is meant as an enhancement of your life and your process. A loving beginning for the rest of your life. As they say, “Take what works for you and leave the rest.”

I have found through trial and error, a lot of pain and a lot of joy that is possible to peacefully coexist with your food, and your beautiful, divine body. It is my hope for you that you lean into this. Embrace it. It took a village for me to flip the lights back on in my life. All of the above are part of that process. 

I also want to share that in addition to my experience contained here, I did acupuncture, massage, therapy, read numerous books, took metaphysical classes and will forever be grateful for OA and its foundations. Some of us have more healing to do than others. We are all unique. There is no shame in our process.  I had to let go of the stories I was telling myself about my life and my body. I had to be willing to live joyfully, happily and freely. As a result, my life is more beautiful than I could possibly have imagined. I am older now than I have ever been (and always will be, as that is how NOW works) and that’s ok. I am also more loving and accepting of me now than I have ever been. 

It is all part of a gorgeous cosmic journey, not about the destination as I once believed. I now know that all I have is NOW. Right now. With my laptop sending love to you through my words, this is all there is and all I really need. 

May these words find a home in your heart. May you find your own path to your True Self. May you live in absolute self love and acceptance. May you see yourself through loving “God” eyes every single minute of every single day. And may you find all of which you dream. 

Remember…WOW…you are a Woman of Worth. You have SO got this. 

And so it is. 

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