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Holiday Survival with Joni: Tips for Navigating the Holidays with Grace and Dignity, Dealing with Unexpected Life Events

"There is something about being with family and old friends that makes us become who we were, and not who we are in the moment. When you find yourself reverting…

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John English: Rewiring the Brain for Success, Abundance and Peace. Stop the internal dialogue and live a happier, joyfilled life.

"The Tao Te Ching says that if you compare yourself to other people, I'm paraphrasing, they will always be your master. That comparison happens with internal dialogue. So we just have to stop it. We just have to stop the internal dialogue and whatever you have to do , whatever action you have to take to do that, then I would recommend doing it. It completely altered my life in ways, I mean we would need 10 podcasts to tell you all the benefits of having control over your internal dialogue, just stop it." Hosted by Joni Caldwell Lerner, BMsc.  To Contact John English:

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John Foster Elliott, LMFT: Lighthearted take on therapy and the various aspects of creating and embracing mental health and well being.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself is really a lot of bulls**t. I mean, the moment you get afraid of fear, you're screwed. The moment you get anxious about being anxious it's like, WOW... You're going to get into one of these feedback loops and go down a rabbit hole. So finding a way to embrace our emotions and our feelings is really important, without pathologizing ourselves." In this light hearted and uncensored interview, John shares his story and journey in becoming a therapist and his views on mental health and well being. His insights are so authentic and helpful in just taking a step toward breathing and letting go of holding on to old and no longer needed physical and emotional baggage.  Hosted by Joni Caldwell Lerner, BMsc. 

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Joni Caldwell Lerner: Blowing Up Binding Beliefs, Examining Thoughts, Beliefs and Ideas that Hold You Back and What to do About Them!

"If I'm choosing to think that I'm a victim, then I'm a victim. And that is the least powerful position you can be in. So if you have any of that going on...I'm a victim of my parents. I'm a victim of my spouse. I'm a victim of this society. I'm a victim of this time of life. I'm a victim of being female or a certain height or color or what ever it is, not true. Not true. Because being a victim takes your power away." Joni talks about her recent experience in Bali, how beliefs hold us back and how we can heal them. She addresses the idea of victimhood and how we may be hindered by inherited ideas that we may not even know are running us and our current experience in life. It is a light hearted look at taking ownership of your own experience. 

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Elana Golden: Spiritual Writing Teacher and Activist Shares her views on writing, living and the world. How to share your authentic voice through the written word.

Elana Golden is a survivor and a thrivor. She has lived a powerful and rich life and she shares her process and her wisdom with us. What is it to have a voice? To live an authentic life? To not bow to centuries of patriarchy and speak out on what is true to you? Elana came to me through a dear friend whose life Elana has forever changed through her spiritual approach to writing. Please enjoy...

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